Weekly Warrior Questions

The WWQ for the week of April 21st, 2016 will be due NLT 1200 Friday the 22th, 2016.

The question is as follows:

From the warrior knowledge on the website, what piece of warrior knowledge do you believe is most important/is your favorite? Thoroughly explain why this piece of knowledge is important, and why you think we should all know it. Does this information have merit outside of the Air Force?

All responses should be sent to your Flight Commander.

Flight Commanders, please compile the answers and include them all in your email to the inspector general.


The WWQ for the week of April 14th, 2016 will be due NLT 0530 Thursday the 14th, 2016.

The question is as follows:

In at least 100 words, explain the significance of timing in the military. Why are deadlines important? What does the word tempo mean in the context of military operations? What does a sense of urgency really mean? How can one person busting a deadline impact the rest of the organization? If I only learned one thing from Field Training, it was how long 5 minutes really is. 

All responses should be sent to your Flight Commander.

Flight Commanders, please compile the answers and include them all in your email to the inspector general.


The WWQ for the week of April 7th, 2016 will be due NLT 1200 Saturday the 9th, 2016.

The question is as follows:

Why do we open every LLAB with the national anthem? What does this ritual mean to you?

All responses should be sent to your Flight Commander.

Flight Commanders, please compile the answers and include them all in your email to the inspector general.


The WWQ for the week of March 31st, 2016 will be due NLT 2359 Thursday the 31st, 2016.

The question is as follows:

Thoroughly explain at least two things you have learned so far this semester and why they are important. Please make at least one related to character growth, ROTC, or leadership. 

All responses should be sent to your Flight Commander.

Flight Commanders, please compile the answers and include them all in your email to the inspector general.


The WWQ for the week of March 10th, 2016 will be due NLT 1200 Friday the 11th, 2016.

The question is as follows:

Please share a quotation or expression that is meaningful to you. Thoroughly explain its significance and why you chose it. It can be anything from a movie line, something your mother said, to something profound you came up with.

All responses should be sent to your Flight Commander.

Flight Commanders, please compile the answers and include them all in your email to the inspector general.


The WWQ for the week of February 25th, 2016 will be due NLT 2359 Thursday the 25th, 2016.

The question is as follows:

Name a leader (historical, living, or fictional) that you believe exemplifies good leadership qualities. Briefly explain a few of these traits through examples and discuss why this figure is a good leader.

All responses should be sent to your Flight Commander.

Flight Commanders, please compile the answers and include them all in your email to the inspector general.


The WWQ for the week of February 18th, 2016.

There is no official question this week; please prepare for the ORI that will be held at LLAB this week.


The WWQ for the week of February 11th, 2016 will be due NLT 1200 Friday the 12th, 2016.

The question is as follows:

Write a short (~100 words or more) letter to your future self about what you hope to accomplish in the remainder of this semester.

All responses should be sent to your Flight Commander.

Flight Commanders, please compile the answers and include them all in your email to the inspector general.


The WWQ for the week of February 4th, 2016 will be due NLT 1200 Thursday the 4th, 2016.

The question is as follows:

The third core value is excellence in all we do. Give a personal anecdote from the past week in which you have embodied this core value. Was it truly excellence? Or was it just doing well enough? If you haven't exemplified excellence in your life lately, why haven't you? What does it mean to be excellent and not just "good"?

All responses should be sent to your Flight Commander.

Flight Commanders, please compile the answers and include them all in your email to the inspector general.


The WWQ for the week of January 25th, 2016 will be due NLT 1200 Friday January 29th, 2016.

The question is as follows:

Why are you here? If you do not know (which totally fine), what do you hope to accomplish by being here? There is no right or wrong answer. Your reasoning could be anything from resume fodder to idealism. If you do not wish to respond (which is acceptable, this is a personal question), please indicate so to your flight commander. Integrity. The objective of this is to motivate you and get you to think.

All responses should be sent to your Flight Commander.

Flight Commanders, please compile the answers and include them all in your email to the inspector general.


The WWQ for the week of December 6th, 2015 will be due NLT Thursday December 10th, 2015 before the start of LLAB.

The question is as follows:

There is no Warrior Question this week. Instead, brush up on all Warrior Knowledge along with what you have learned over the course of this semester.

All responses should be sent to your Flight Commander.

Flight Commanders, please create one answer as a Flight and email your responses to the Inspector General. Following the final Flight answer, there should be a list of the Cadets who did not respond to the WWQ.


The WWQ for the week of November 29th, 2015 will be due NLT Thursday December 3rd, 2015 before the start of LLAB.

The statement is as follows:

This week, there will not be a warrior question to answer. Instead, each cadet will write down 2 questions to ask their mentors during their mentoring sessions at LLAB. Questions can be related to ROTC, physical training, field training, school, or balancing workloads. Ask your mentors anything; they are there to help you.

All responses should be sent to your Flight Commander.

Flight Commanders, please compile the answers and include them all in your email to the inspector general.

The WWQ for the week of November 15th, 2015 will be due NLT Thursday November 19th, 2015 before the start of LLAB.

The question is as follows:

Research a fallen soldier of the United States Air Force and write a short paragraph about sacrifice and what it means to serve in the Air Force.

All responses should be sent to your Flight Commander.

Flight Commanders, please create one answer as a Flight and email your responses to the Inspector General. Following the final Flight answer, there should be a list of the Cadets who did not respond to the WWQ.


The WWQ for the week of November 8th, 2015 will be due NLT Thursday November 12th, 2015 before the start of LLAB.

The question is as follows:

Write a short response, that explains why keeping your uniform in inspection order is important.

Keep in mind that all 100s and FTPs will be inspected Thursday. Take pride in your uniform.


All responses should be sent to your Flight Commander.

Flight Commanders, please compile the answers and include them all in your email to the inspector general.


The WWQ for the week of November 1st, 2015 will be due NLT Thursday November 5th, 2015 before the start of LLAB.

The question is as follows:

 Pick one of the three areas we are going over this week in LLAB (retreat, revelry, and flag folding) and give a very brief history and importance.


All responses should be sent to your Flight Commander.

Flight Commanders, please create one answer as a Flight and email your responses to the Inspector General. Following the final Flight answer, there should be a list of the Cadets who did not respond to the WWQ.


The WWQ for the week of October 11th, 2015 will be due NLT Thursday October 15th, 2015 before the start of LLAB.

The question is as follows:


What are the articles of the code of conduct? Choose one that you think is the most important and explain why.


All responses should be sent to your Flight Commander.

Flight Commanders, please create one answer as a Flight and email your responses to the Inspector General. Following the final Flight answer, there should be a list of the Cadets who did not respond to the WWQ.


The WWQ for the week of October 4th, 2015 will be due NLT Thursday October 8th, 2015 before the start of LLAB.

The question is as follows:


Pick a quote to memorize that you Do Not have memorized already and explain the importance as it pertains to the US Air Force or personally.


All responses should be sent to your Flight Commander.

Flight Commanders, please create one answer as a Flight and email your responses to the Inspector General. Following the final Flight answer, there should be a list of the Cadets who did not respond to the WWQ.




The WWQ for the week of September 27th, 2015 will be due NLT Thursday October 1st, 2015 before the start of LLAB.

The question is as follows:


Create a list of The Chain of Command along with a list of the Major Commands.


All responses should be sent to your Flight Commander.

Flight Commanders, please create one answer as a Flight and email your responses to the Inspector General. Following the final Flight answer, there should be a list of the Cadets who did not respond to the WWQ.



The WWQ for the week of September 20th, 2015 will be due NLT Thursday September 24th, 2015 before LLAB.

The question is as follows:

What are the Officer and enlisted ranks of the four branches of the military?
All responses should be sent to your flight commander


Week of 4/19- 4/25

There is no Warrior Question this week. Instead, brush up on Pass and Review procedures.


Week of 4/12- 4/18

Email all responses to your respective flight commander by

Wednesday 2359

This week the warrior question is as follows:

This weekend we will travel to Andrews Air Force Base. In preparation, write a short description about Andrews AFB and its main capabilities. 

Additionally, write a brief statement about the meaning of the constitution. We will have the opportunity to view this powerful and historic document, and you should reflect on its importance ahead of time.


Week of 4/5- 4/11

There is no Warrior Question this week. Instead, brush up on your Warrior Knowledge.


Week of 3/29- 4/4

Email all responses to your respective flight commander by

Wednesday 2359

This week the warrior question is as follows:

This week we will have career day at LLAB. Do some research and come up with three questions for three different career fields that you can ask on Thursday.


Week of 3/22- 3/28

Email all responses to your respective flight commander by

Wednesday 2359

This week the warrior question is as follows:

Write a short paragraph describing how you can better motivate your wingmen, now or in the future.


Week of 3/1- 3/7

Email all responses to your respective flight commander by

Wednesday 2359

This week the warrior question is as follows:

Research a fallen soldier of the US military. Write a short paragraph about sacrifice and what it means to serve.


Week of 2/22- 2/28

Email all responses to your respective flight commander by

Wednesday 2359

This week the warrior question is as follows:

Which stanza of the Airman's Creed do you like best and why?


Week of 2/15 - 2/21

Email all responses to your respective flight commander by

Wednesday 2359

This week the warrior question is as follows:

Research one Air Force Specialty Code that you are interested in and write a short paragraph about why it interests you and its role in the Air Force.


Week of 2/8 - 2/14

Email all responses to your respective flight commander by

Wednesday 2/11 2359

This week the warrior question is as follows:

List the current chain of command, from the President though our detachment commander.



Week of 1/25 - 1/31

There is no need to email your response this week. Have your jody prepared by 

Thursday 1/29

This week the warrior question is as follows:

Find one United States Air Force jody and memorize it. Type out the entire jody. Come to LLAB ready to use your jody.



Email all responses to Cadet Jones at igdet009@gmail.com with the proper email format by Wednesday 2359

This week's weekly warrior question will be a quiz and is as follows:

1. How many Code of Conducts are there?
2. What is the last article in the Code of Conduct?
3. Who is the AFROTC Commander?
4. Where is Air Mobility Command located?
5. Who is the Air University Commander?
6. Where is the Air Force Material Command located?
7. Who is the Chief of Staff of the Air Force?
8.What is the second article in the Code of Conduct?
9. Who is the Holm Center Commander?
10. Where is the Air Force Space Command Located?

Be sure to send all responses to Cadet Jones @ igdet009@gmail.com. Ensure that emails are in the proper format.


List the Detachment 009’s cadet chain of command from the wing commander to your respective flight commander. i.e. If I am in Alpha flight, the only squadron commander I will list is the squadron one commander and the only flight commander I will list is the Alpha Flight Commander. 

If you have any questions, email Cadet Jones at sjone6@unh.newhaven.edu. Email all responses to igdet009@gmail.com


COMPLETED  Due 10/29 

2.) This week, there will not be a warrior question to answer. Instead, each cadet will write down 2 questions to ask their mentors during their mentoring sessions at LLAB. Questions can be related to ROTC, physical training, field training, school, or balancing workloads. Ask your mentors anything; they are there to help you.


COMPLETED   Due 10/22 NLT  2359

1.) The Code of Conduct is a six-article code that provides general guidelines for the daily conduct of all United States military personnel. It is especially applicable at times of war or imprisonment. You can find this code among your warrior knowledge. Read through each article, retype one article that you believe is most important to you, and explain why.

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